Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Summer Time
Sorry I have not been on my Blog for the summer. We have had busy summer trip and working. I will try to start posting some of the pictures from our summer outings and thing we did this summer.

Sept. 2009 Started
I right now Victor has started JK school and Justin has started preschool. The boys are in swimming too. Victor is back to skating too. So I will get back in to posting picture.

Thanks for understanding.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Bob The Builder Live Show

Sorry that I have not been on my blog for a while. We have been on Holidays in Jan. for 2 weeks. We had fun. I'm still look at the picture so I can post them.

Today was a special day for our kids and friends too. We went to saw bob the builder live in Kitchener.
Krista, Jonthan their son Micah and cousin Colton join Me, Victor and Justin.
It was very special day for Micah it was his Birthday too. Victor song too him.

The sign for the show.
Bob the Builder.
Victor with his bob the builder hat and Micah.
Justin sitting watching the show.

Spud the scarecrow.
Micah dancing to the music.
Micah and Colton.
Colton and Micah.
Justin, Victor Micah and Colton enjoying their that Krista gaving them on the 20 min. break.
They are loving the snack.

The End of a great show.

I think eveyone loved the show and had a great time with friends.

When we where on the driving home Victor said can we see Bob again.

It is nice to hear that he loved the show that much.

Friday, January 9, 2009


Some day's when we don't have anything or mom is not at work. We will go over and play with Victor and Justin daycare friends.
Victor loves to shovel the snow.

Justin playing hockey with Jacob.
Justin playing hockey. He really wants to but he is too short to start. So this is what he loves for now.

Victor's First time on stakes.

A Movie that Miked taped of Victor.

Victor playing around. Falling on the ice. Hope next time he goes he will stake.

My Outing to The Falls

Our outing to the Falls. I took and Friend that i work with and her daughter to the Falls over Christmas Holiday. The kids had a great time. Here are some of the things we did.
We went on the sky wheel. This is Caitlin and Victor.
Caitlin and Victor. Victor was so so happy to go on it.
This is the Sky wheel.

Jenny, Caitlin and Victor walking.
Caitlin and Victor on the slided.
Victor going down the slided.
Justin trying to climb up the slided.

Christmas Morning 2008

We had Christmas Morning with Gandma Mary and Tom house.
Santa did stop there.

Christmas 2008

Sorry we have not posted lately we have been busy. We have been All over the place. First we had Christmas for my dad. It was at Jamie and Vicky's house this year. Here are some of the picture of that Christmas.
Justin playing with the ribbon off the the Christmas gifts. He loved playing in the paper this year.

Victor playing with his tractor that he got.

Victor smile at the Christmas gift. It was a garbage truck.This is cole and Sarah.
Justin overing around on the basement floor.
Cole and Sarah
Justin with Grandma.
Justin with Uncle Ron
Justin with Uncle Richard.
We had a great time with my Family. I blessed for everyone that came to enjoy it.